Chris Perras, CFA®, Chief Investment Officer of Oak Harvest Financial Group shares his insight into the markets based on 25 years experience. Advisory services are provided through Oak Harvest Investment Services, LLC, a registered investment adviser. Insurance services are provided through Oak Harvest Insurance Services, LLC, a licensed insurance agency.

Friday May 12, 2023
Why Watching Financial News Could Lead Investors Astray: Say Anything
Friday May 12, 2023
Friday May 12, 2023
Investors, turn on the TV and the financial news channels, watch for a few hours and soak in the opinions being passed along as news. You, too, will convince yourself that a terrible recession is imminent. Geopolitical strife domestically and globally. Bank runs in Europe, and regional bank runs here in the US. And the kicker is still "rampant inflation" if one listens to the parade of Ph.D. economists and sell-side strategists on the financial channels or writing in newsletters. I've been managing money professionally for almost 30 years now. I've never heard so many people so uniformly negative and confident in their economic opinions of forthcoming doom.
Join me as I go through what's ACTUALLY happening in the markets, and how to combat fake news with a level head.
Do you need a retirement plan that goes beyond allocating funds to truly fit your needs? We can help you create a retirement life plan customized for your retirement vision and legacy. Call us at 877-896-0040 or fill out this form for a free consultation: https://click2retire.com/Connect
About Chris Perras, CFA®, CLU®, ChFC®, Chief Investment Officer As CIO, Chris is the lead investment strategist and director of research at Oak Harvest Financial Group. Chris develops the firm's core market outlook, putting his decades of experience and expertise to work for our clients. He hosts Oak Harvest's podcast, "Stock Talk," available on the website with new episodes each week. He completed his undergraduate studies at Georgia Tech, and went on to obtain an MBA from the Harvard Business School. Driven by a desire to maximize his knowledge and skill set, he acquired a plethora of financial planning and investment management qualifications, becoming a Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU®), a Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC®), and a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA®).
Important disclosures: Content of Oak Harvest podcasts expresses the views of the speaker and is for informational purposes only. Oak Harvest believes that any data, articles, or information cited are reliable at the time of creation, but does not warrant any information contained herein to be correct, complete, accurate, or timely. The views and opinions expressed herein may change without notice. Strategies and ideas discussed may not be right for you — and nothing in this podcast constitutes personalized investment, tax or legal advice, or an offer or solicitation to buy or sell securities. Indexes such as the S&P 500 are not available for direct investment and your investment results may differ when compared to an index. Any specific portfolio actions or strategies discussed will not apply to all client portfolios. Investing involves the risk of loss, and past performance is not indicative of future results.

Friday May 05, 2023
Market Volatility - How to Keep Calm and Invest On | Stock Talk Podcast
Friday May 05, 2023
Friday May 05, 2023
Looking to understand stock market volatility? In this video, we break down the difference between perceived volatility and actual market conditions, and provide insights into the various ways volatility is measured. We also discuss the limitations of popular volatility indexes and offer a more reliable measure of market volatility. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of market volatility and how to interpret the news surrounding it.
Do you need a retirement plan that goes beyond allocating funds to truly fit your needs? We can help you create a retirement life plan customized for your retirement vision and legacy. Call us at 877-896-0040 or fill out this form for a free consultation: https://click2retire.com/Connect
About Chris Perras, CFA®, CLU®, ChFC®, Chief Investment Officer As CIO, Chris is the lead investment strategist and director of research at Oak Harvest Financial Group. Chris develops the firm's core market outlook, putting his decades of experience and expertise to work for our clients. He hosts Oak Harvest's podcast, "Stock Talk," available on the website with new episodes each week. He completed his undergraduate studies at Georgia Tech, and went on to obtain an MBA from the Harvard Business School. Driven by a desire to maximize his knowledge and skill set, he acquired a plethora of financial planning and investment management qualifications, becoming a Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU®), a Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC®), and a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA®).
Important disclosures: Content of Oak Harvest podcasts expresses the views of the speaker and is for informational purposes only. Oak Harvest believes that any data, articles, or information cited are reliable at the time of creation, but does not warrant any information contained herein to be correct, complete, accurate, or timely. The views and opinions expressed herein may change without notice. Strategies and ideas discussed may not be right for you — and nothing in this podcast constitutes personalized investment, tax or legal advice, or an offer or solicitation to buy or sell securities. Indexes such as the S&P 500 are not available for direct investment and your investment results may differ when compared to an index. Any specific portfolio actions or strategies discussed will not apply to all client portfolios. Investing involves the risk of loss, and past performance is not indicative of future results.

Friday Apr 21, 2023
Friday Apr 21, 2023
Many strategists on TV have voiced bearish opinions with an argument that only a few stocks are rising and causing the averages to gain in 2023. Stocks like AAPL and Microsoft are causing oversized index gains. While mathematically it is true that a few large tech stocks that are weighted heavily in the S&P index are overcontributing to the index gains this year, this is always true when there are a few big companies making an index top heavy. When commodities and energy were big weights in the indexes into the GFC, names like XOM and CVX overcontributed.
I have to disagree with their premise that the market has “bad breadth”. In fact on 3/31, just as the first quarter ended, an incredibly rare but bullish stock market indicator flashed a buy signal for the first time since early 2019. This indicator wasn’t even triggered during the massive 2h2020 and 2021 rally that stocks had. According to Merrill Lynch, on 3/31 the NYSE triggered only its 34th “Zweig breadth thrust” since 1930, over 90 years and only the 14th time since 1950! We talked about this indicator back in the second quarter of 2020 as it was close to triggering but it didn’t.
#stocktalk #stockmarketnews #retirementlife
Stock Talk is a weekly vlog/podcast dedicated to discussing the Oak Harvest Financial Group Investment Team's perspective on what's happening in the market. Hosted by Chief Investment Officer Chris Perras, each episode brings you our views on stocks, the market, and the economy — with a little education thrown in for good measure. Listen each week and help stay connected to your money!
News or Noise is a vlog/podcast that looks at current topics and helps you decide if they are newsworthy for your investments. Should you be concerned? Or, should you tune out the noise and not worry? These are going to be quick, casual, opinion pieces, and while we will use data to support our view, we will most likely be wrong in our interpretations, at least some of the time. However, we are looking to practice what we preach, and to help investors to rationally and critically analyze emotion-laden stories.
Do you need a retirement plan that goes beyond allocating funds to truly fit your needs? We can help you create a retirement life plan customized for your retirement vision and legacy. Call us at (877) 404-0177 @@or fill out this form for a free consultation: https://click2retire.com/Connect
About Chris Perras, CFA®, CLU®, ChFC®, Chief Investment Officer
As CIO, Chris is the lead investment strategist and director of research at Oak Harvest Financial Group. Chris develops the firm's core market outlook, putting his decades of experience and expertise to work for our clients. He hosts Oak Harvest's podcast, "Stock Talk," available on the website with new episodes each week.
He completed his undergraduate studies at Georgia Tech, and went on to obtain an MBA from the Harvard Business School. Driven by a desire to maximize his knowledge and skill set, he acquired a plethora of financial planning and investment management qualifications, becoming a Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU®), a Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC®), and a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA®).
Important disclosures: Content of Oak Harvest podcasts expresses the views of the speaker and is for informational purposes only. Oak Harvest believes that any data, articles, or information cited are reliable at the time of creation, but does not warrant any information contained herein to be correct, complete, accurate, or timely. The views and opinions expressed herein may change without notice. Strategies and ideas discussed may not be right for you — and nothing in this podcast constitutes personalized investment, tax or legal advice, or an offer or solicitation to buy or sell securities. Indexes such as the S&P 500 are not available for direct investment and your investment results may differ when compared to an index. Any specific portfolio actions or strategies discussed will not apply to all client portfolios. Investing involves the risk of loss, and past performance is not indicative of future results.

Monday Apr 10, 2023
Inflation: Secularly Higher
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Retiree and near-retiree investors have a multitude of financial worries. One of the first things I learned at OHFG almost five years ago is that while retirement life might be functionally less complex than one's working days, one's financial life grows more, not less complex, at or in retirement. Every good retirement planning software program has an input for inflation expectations. While I certainly underestimated the height of the cyclical inflation peak caused by the global response to Covid, pre-Covid, I argued for higher future inflation rates than in the last 30 years. 4-5%? No. But higher than 2%. Why? 3 Major reasons jump out.

Friday Mar 31, 2023
Marching Into April
Friday Mar 31, 2023
Friday Mar 31, 2023
For the last month, the investment team at Oak Harvest has been busy. First Charles, James and I were busy digesting 4th quarter EPS reports. Then we were trying to get our hands around whether inflation had peaked enough for the Fed to slow their interest rate increases, stop them, or even reverse them in the second half.

Friday Mar 24, 2023
Our Stock Selection Process - Quantamental | Stock Talk Podcast
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Stock Talk is a weekly vlog/podcast dedicated to discussing the Oak Harvest Financial Group Investment Team's perspective on what's happening in the market. Hosted by Chief Investment Officer Chris Perras, each episode brings you our views on stocks, the market, and the economy — with a little education thrown in for good measure. Listen each week and help stay connected to your money!

Friday Mar 17, 2023
Silicon Valley Bank Keeps Me Up at Night!
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Friday Mar 17, 2023
It’s been a very busy week in the markets with what’s been going on with the Silicon Valley Bank. You can read all about it in our weekly post here: https://oakharvestfg.com/weekly-market-updates/silicon-valley-bank-run/

Friday Mar 10, 2023
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Clients and long-time followers of Oak Harvest audio and video investment content will know that in addition to more standard blue-chip growth stocks, our investment team likes to invest in a diversified group of dividend growth stocks. In doing so, many of the portfolios our team manages take on the characteristic of what many in the industry call a “barbell” approach. A group of growth stocks paying little to no dividends with certain characteristics on one side of the barbell or scale and a second group of more economically “stable,” slower-growing companies paying out some of their excess cash flow back to shareholders in the form of dividends.
Do you need a retirement plan that goes beyond allocating funds to truly fit your needs? We can help you create a retirement life plan customized for your retirement vision and legacy. Call us at (877) 404-0177 @or fill out this form for a free consultation: https://click2retire.com/Connect

Friday Mar 03, 2023
Friday Mar 03, 2023
This week we're doing a recap on last weeks live stream with Troy, Charles and myself, Chris Perras.
We talked about growing Your Retirement Income During a Market Downturn with Dividends.
In this episode we summarize the video and talk about the highlights. Here's the link to the live stream: https://www.youtube.com/live/FqzML1Nk...
Do you need a retirement plan that goes beyond allocating funds to truly fit your needs? We can help you create a retirement life plan customized for your retirement vision and legacy. Call us at (877) 404-0177 @or fill out this form for a free consultation: https://click2retire.com/Connect

Friday Feb 17, 2023
The Golden Cross A Bullish Technical Signal on February 2, 2023
Friday Feb 17, 2023
Friday Feb 17, 2023
This week's topic, technically speaking, the S&P500 achieves a "Golden Cross" on 2/2/2023, and historically, that is a good thing.
For the better part of the second half of 2022, viewers of financial news and readers of internet financial newsletters were bombarded with a constant negative message supposedly "backed up" by an ominous chart of the S&P 500. The negative messaging was the coming "collapse" of the US stock market in the 4th quarter of 2022 and the first quarter of 2023. This is even though the S&P500 had already dropped over -27.5% peak to trough in nominal terms and – 35% in real terms from its early 2022 peak. These declines were in line with the average bear market, the average recession decline for stocks, and normal mid-term 2nd-year Presidential decline.
Do you need a retirement plan that goes beyond allocating funds to truly fit your needs? We can help you create a retirement life plan customized for your retirement vision and legacy. Call us at (877) 404-0177 @or fill out this form for a free consultation: https://click2retire.com/Connect