Chris Perras, CFA®, Chief Investment Officer of Oak Harvest Financial Group shares his insight into the markets based on 25 years experience. Advisory services are provided through Oak Harvest Investment Services, LLC, a registered investment adviser. Insurance services are provided through Oak Harvest Insurance Services, LLC, a licensed insurance agency.

Friday Jun 24, 2022
REITS-the Real deal about Real Estate Trusts | Stock Talk Podcast
Friday Jun 24, 2022
Friday Jun 24, 2022
We first covered the topic of REIT investing, or real estate investment trusts, a little over two years ago, right after the March 2020 Covid market fall. Given our recent News or Noise video on “dividends matter,” I wanted to take this video as an opportunity to walk you through REIT investing and what you should and should not be looking for if you are out there picking your own stocks and searching for dividends. Click here to learn more.
Retirees and many others nearing retirement, love dividend stocks because they can help provide current reoccurring income through their cash distributions. Many investors gravitate toward owning some publicly-traded REITs or Real Estate Investment Trusts.
At Oak Harvest, we think our clients are best served by us helping them with their future needs and risks, instead of dwelling on the past. Our forecasting is far from perfect, but we like to keep you up on what it's saying about the uncertain future, not rehashing an already certain past.
Stock Talk is a weekly podcast dedicated to discussing the Investment Team's perspective on what's happening in the market. Hosted by Chief Investment Officer Chris Perras, each episode brings you our views on stocks, the market, and the economy — with a little Education thrown in for good measure. Listen each week and help stay connected to your money! Also available on Spotify, Google Play and Podbean.
Do you have a retirement plan that goes beyond allocating funds to truly fit your needs? We can help you create a retirement life plan customized for your retirement vision and legacy. Call us at: (877) 896-0040
If you have $500K or more and would like a partnership with a firm to help you manage your investments and financial plan as in these videos, click on this link to connect with our advisors: https://click2retire.com/REITSrealdeals
About Chris Perras, CFA®, CLU®, ChFC®, Chief Investment Officer As CIO, Chris is lead investment strategist and director of research at Oak Harvest Financial Group. Chris develops the firm's core market outlook, putting his decades of experience and expertise to work for our clients. He hosts Oak Harvest's podcast, "Stock Talk," available on the website with new episodes each week.
Chris completed his undergraduate studies at Georgia Tech, and went on to obtain an MBA from the Harvard Business School. Driven by a desire to maximize his knowledge and skill set, Chris acquired a plethora of financial planning and investment management qualifications, becoming a Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU®), a Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC®), and a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA®).

Friday Jun 17, 2022
Should You Buy Into SuperCycles in the Stock Market | Stock Talk Podcast
Friday Jun 17, 2022
Friday Jun 17, 2022
Why analysts and the financial press love the term "super-cycle," I can only guess. I guess it is used to relay the idea that you can buy anything in the group or industry at any time and you'll make money. It's most commonly used when referring to commodities, but over the last 20 years, it has made its way into the general lexicon of virtually every S&P500 sector. Remember the semiconductor "super-cycle"? Or the biopharma "super-cycle"? How about the "fertilizer" super-cycle? I recall hearing on TV from several food analysts that "People have to eat." Did you forget about the "agriculture" super-cycle? Or the plant-based protein "super-cycle? The "EV," electric vehicle super-cycle? I could list another 5 or 10 I've heard about in the last ten years, and guess what? None of them were very "super" by the time that term was thrown around to describe them in public equity markets.
At Oak Harvest, we think our clients are best served by us helping them with their future needs and risks, instead of dwelling on the past. Our forecasting is far from perfect, but we like to keep you up on what it's saying about the uncertain future, not rehashing an already certain past.
Stock Talk is a weekly podcast dedicated to discussing the Investment Team's perspective on what's happening in the market. Hosted by Chief Investment Officer Chris Perras, each episode brings you our views on stocks, the market, and the economy — with a little Education thrown in for good measure. Listen each week and help stay connected to your money! Also available on Spotify, Google Play and Podbean.
Do you have a retirement plan that goes beyond allocating funds to truly fit your needs? We can help you create a retirement life plan customized for your retirement vision and legacy. Call us at: (877) 896-0040 If you have $500K or more and would like a partnership with a firm to help you manage your investments and financial plan as in these videos, click on this link to connect with our advisors:
About Chris Perras, CFA®, CLU®, ChFC®, Chief Investment Officer As CIO, Chris is lead investment strategist and director of research at Oak Harvest Financial Group. Chris develops the firm's core market outlook, putting his decades of experience and expertise to work for our clients. He hosts Oak Harvest's podcast, "Stock Talk," available on the website with new episodes each week. Chris completed his undergraduate studies at Georgia Tech, and went on to obtain an MBA from the Harvard Business School. Driven by a desire to maximize his knowledge and skill set, Chris acquired a plethora of financial planning and investment management qualifications, becoming a Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU®), a Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC®), and a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA®).

Friday Jun 10, 2022
Taper Tantrum 2.0 | Stock Talk Podcast
Friday Jun 10, 2022
Friday Jun 10, 2022
On June 1st, The Federal Reserve officially began its second try this decade at "Quantitative Tightening" programs. This is also referred to as "QT." Recently, a lot of noise has been made that this might be disastrous for the financial markets over the next 6 to 12 months. The first time the Fed went down this path was in 2013 and 2014.
We want to review the specifics of the current QT timeline and refresh investors memories on what happened when the Fed went down this path nearly a decade ago. Call this video Taper Tantrum 2.0 and what it might mean for your portfolio; historically, it's not what you think.
At Oak Harvest, we think our clients are best served by us helping them with their future needs and risks, instead of dwelling on the past. Our forecasting is far from perfect, but we like to keep you up on what it's saying about the uncertain future, not rehashing an already certain past.
Stock Talk is a weekly podcast dedicated to discussing the Investment Team's perspective on what's happening in the market. Hosted by Chief Investment Officer Chris Perras, each episode brings you our views on stocks, the market, and the economy — with a little Education thrown in for good measure. Listen each week and help stay connected to your money! Also available on Spotify, Google Play and Podbean.
Do you have a retirement plan that goes beyond allocating funds to truly fit your needs? We can help you create a retirement life plan customized for your retirement vision and legacy. Call us at: (877) 896-0040 If you have $500K or more and would like a partnership with a firm to help you manage your investments and financial plan as in these videos, click on this link to connect with our advisors: https://click2retire.com/RecessionGuide2022
About Chris Perras, CFA®, CLU®, ChFC®, Chief Investment Officer As CIO, Chris is lead investment strategist and director of research at Oak Harvest Financial Group. Chris develops the firm's core market outlook, putting his decades of experience and expertise to work for our clients. He hosts Oak Harvest's podcast, "Stock Talk," available on the website with new episodes each week.
Chris completed his undergraduate studies at Georgia Tech, and went on to obtain an MBA from the Harvard Business School. Driven by a desire to maximize his knowledge and skill set, Chris acquired a plethora of financial planning and investment management qualifications, becoming a Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU®), a Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC®), and a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA®).

Friday Jun 03, 2022
Your Recession Guide For 2022
Friday Jun 03, 2022
Friday Jun 03, 2022
Almost exactly a month ago, our team released a “News or Noise” YouTube video titled “Negative first quarter 2021 GDP Growth, Is a recession coming?” We did this video because on April 29th, the Commerce Department, which is the government agency that calculates this data, released first-quarter real GDP growth figures saying our economy actually shrunk by -1.4% in the first quarter, versus economist expectations of a positive +1%. We figured that this would kick off the non-stop media discussion of whether we would have a recession in 2022 or 2023 or ever again.
At Oak Harvest, we think our clients are best served by us helping them with their future needs and risks, instead of dwelling on the past. Our forecasting is far from perfect, but we like to keep you up on what it's saying about the uncertain future, not rehashing an already certain past. Stock Talk is a weekly podcast dedicated to discussing the Investment Team's perspective on what's happening in the market.
Hosted by Chief Investment Officer Chris Perras, each episode brings you our views on stocks, the market, and the economy — with a little Education thrown in for good measure. Listen each week and help stay connected to your money! Also available on Spotify, Google Play and Podbean. Do you have a retirement plan that goes beyond allocating funds to truly fit your needs? We can help you create a retirement life plan customized for your retirement vision and legacy. Call us at: (877) 896-0040 If you have $500K or more and would like a partnership with a firm to help you manage your investments and financial plan as in these videos, click on this link to connect with our advisors:
About Chris Perras, CFA®, CLU®, ChFC®, Chief Investment Officer As CIO, Chris is lead investment strategist and director of research at Oak Harvest Financial Group. Chris develops the firm's core market outlook, putting his decades of experience and expertise to work for our clients. He hosts Oak Harvest's podcast, "Stock Talk," available on the website with new episodes each week. Chris completed his undergraduate studies at Georgia Tech, and went on to obtain an MBA from the Harvard Business School. Driven by a desire to maximize his knowledge and skill set, Chris acquired a plethora of financial planning and investment management qualifications, becoming a Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU®), a Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC®), and a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA®).

Friday May 27, 2022
Summer Slowdown | Stock Talk Podcast
Friday May 27, 2022
Friday May 27, 2022
Two weeks ago, our weekly podcast was titled “nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide”. In it, we discussed the fallacy behind the notion of “hiding out” or trying to “hide out” in certain stocks or sectors during market corrections, bear markets or general economic slowdowns. We argued against the notion that there is “always a bull market out there” as discussed on TV by a few hosts. Unless you are running a hedge fund, that’s generally not how the markets or portfolio management works for the masses or most institutions. Click here to learn more!
At Oak Harvest, we think our clients are best served by us helping them with their future needs and risks, instead of dwelling on the past. Our forecasting is far from perfect, but we like to keep you up on what it's saying about the uncertain future, not rehashing an already certain past. Stock Talk is a weekly podcast dedicated to discussing the Investment Team's perspective on what's happening in the market. Hosted by Chief Investment Officer Chris Perras, each episode brings you our views on stocks, the market, and the economy — with a little Education thrown in for good measure. Listen each week and help stay connected to your money! Also available on Spotify, Google Play and Podbean.
Do you have a retirement plan that goes beyond allocating funds to truly fit your needs? We can help you create a retirement life plan customized for your retirement vision and legacy. Call us at: (877) 896-0040 If you have $500K or more and would like a partnership with a firm to help you manage your investments and financial plan as in these videos, click on this link to connect with our advisors: https://click2retire.com/SummerSlowdownStockTalk
About Chris Perras, CFA®, CLU®, ChFC®, Chief Investment Officer As CIO, Chris is lead investment strategist and director of research at Oak Harvest Financial Group. Chris develops the firm's core market outlook, putting his decades of experience and expertise to work for our clients. He hosts Oak Harvest's podcast, "Stock Talk," available on the website with new episodes each week.
Chris completed his undergraduate studies at Georgia Tech, and went on to obtain an MBA from the Harvard Business School. Driven by a desire to maximize his knowledge and skill set, Chris acquired a plethora of financial planning and investment management qualifications, becoming a Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU®), a Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC®), and a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA®).

Friday May 20, 2022
What does the Movie Top Gun have to do with Your Retirement Investments?
Friday May 20, 2022
Friday May 20, 2022
The first half of 2022 we have sort of entered a “flat spin” in the stock and bond markets. A situation that does happen in many years even during secular bull markets. Click here to read transcription.

Friday May 13, 2022
Friday May 13, 2022
Market correction in the S&P500 and “bear market” in the Nasdaq Composite, emerging markets and small caps, and the markets tune is playing the Martha and Vandellas tune, Nowhere to Run to, Nowhere to Hide. Click here to read transcription.

Friday May 06, 2022
Investing in Value Stocks? or Value Traps?
Friday May 06, 2022
Friday May 06, 2022
We have all done it as investors, even the great Warren Buffett. In fact, Mr. Buffett did it as recently buying the whole airline sector a few years ago. What is the “it” I speak of? The it is buying a stock based on valuation or it being “cheap” only to be massively disappointed by its stock returns going forward. The subject of this week’s podcast? Is that a value stock? Or a value trap? Click here to learn more.

Friday Apr 29, 2022
Will There Be A Second Quarter Rally? Stock Talk Podcast
Friday Apr 29, 2022
Friday Apr 29, 2022
We continue to expect more volatility in the upcoming second and third quarters, around which we are likely to make moves around the edges when we find value in single stocks or sectors. For now, our work continues to show us in a corrective period in both price and time. We continue to believe this should end later in the 3rd quarter, and then the overall market resumes the ongoing bull market in the 4th quarter of 2022 through the first half of 2023. Click here to learn more.

Friday Apr 15, 2022
1st Quarter Review | Stock Talk Podcast
Friday Apr 15, 2022
Friday Apr 15, 2022
First-quarter 2022 is now behind us, and I can say with absolute certainty, it was the sloppy, choppy mess that we first previewed in early November of last year. During the first quarter, the S&P500 declined short term, intra quarter, into “correction territory of more than -10%, reaching down about -12.5% from its cash closing high to cash closing low on March 8th. The Nasdaq composite, which is largely high-growth technology and healthcare stocks, fell just short of “bear market territory” intra-quarter to -19.5%. Click here to learn more: