Chris Perras, CFA®, Chief Investment Officer of Oak Harvest Financial Group shares his insight into the markets based on 25 years experience. Advisory services are provided through Oak Harvest Investment Services, LLC, a registered investment adviser. Insurance services are provided through Oak Harvest Insurance Services, LLC, a licensed insurance agency.

Friday Aug 19, 2022
2nd Half Outlook Part 2 | Stock Talk Podcast
Friday Aug 19, 2022
Friday Aug 19, 2022
The first half of 2022 is behind us. It was abysmal in the markets. We suffered the first true correction since the Covid crash in the first quarter of 2020. However, we also extended that downward to the first -20% bear market drawdown in years. But the question is now? What's in store for the second half of 2022 and the first half of 2023? Are "THE" lows in for 2022? Click here for more.
At Oak Harvest, we think our clients are best served by us helping them with their future needs and risks, instead of dwelling on the past. Our forecasting is far from perfect, but we like to keep you up on what it's saying about the uncertain future, not rehashing an already certain past.
Stock Talk is a weekly podcast dedicated to discussing the Investment Team's perspective on what's happening in the market. Hosted by Chief Investment Officer Chris Perras, each episode brings you our views on stocks, the market, and the economy — with a little Education thrown in for good measure. Listen each week and help stay connected to your money! Also available on Spotify, Google Play and Podbean.
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If you have $500K or more and would like a partnership with a firm to help you manage your investments and financial plan as in these videos, click on this link to connect with our advisors: https://click2retire.com/2ndhalfoutlook2022PB